For the last 30 years IMCARES (earlier known as IIDA-W) has been involved in ministering to the poor in the city of Mumbai through its various projects designed to bring hope and healing to the sick and wounded homeless sufferers, to undernourished children who also lacked education, to women tormented by domestic violence and illiteracy, to HIV & AIDS sufferers and to children living under the curse of exploitation and abuse.
Our Core Values

Context of our work
Initially known as IIDA(West)- a branch of IIDA based in Tamil Nadu State (South India), was started by Peter Will from Germany in the early 1980ies. Later in 1996, a new organization was registered in Mumbai-Maharashtra State with Pastor Sumitra Gaikwad as its founder. All the projects, staff and movable and immovable assets were transferred to IMCARES through a MoU between IIDA & IMCARES.
An astonishing metropolitan city, Mumbai, is the economic capital of India. The city attracts people from all over India, in search of a livelihood and better life. Over 60 percent of city’s population lives in slums or on streets. The 2013, IMCARES’ base-line, survey found 1,939 homeless people sleeping on Mumbai’s pavements across just a 50 km (approx.) stretch of road.