- IMCARES is a Registered Charitable Trust Registered under Societies Act, XXI of 1860 NO 634 of 1996 (Mumbai M.S), BPT Act, XXIX of 1950 S. No F-18607 (Mumbai)
- IMCARES also has the lisence from the Home Ministry, Govt. of India, to receive Foreign Funding. Lisence No. 083780827
- All local donations to IMCARES are exempt from tax under the 80G Act of the Income Tax Dept. Govt. of India.
- IMCARES is governed by a committed Board comprising of a Chairperson, CEO/Secretary, treasurer, and Members of the Board, primarily focussing on the Social Development, long term sustainability to beneficiaries & Core competency.
- The Secretary/CEO calls for the Board Meetings four times a year and an Annual General Meeting is conducted once a year to discuss and to make strategic decisions for both short term and long term goals of the organisation.
- IMCARES is steered by Mr.Timothy S Gaikwad, the CEO of the organisation, being ultimately responsible for all management decisions and for implementing the organisation’s long and short term plans. He also serves as a Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Trustees of IMCARES.
- The Organisation’s management consists of an Administration, Accounts and Project head, who are directly under the guidance of the CEO. The Administrator looks after all the daily activities and running of the projects. All project staff report to the Administrator.
- Our Financial Accounts are regularly audited by a professional agency M/S. R. K. Khanna and Associates.
- As per the policies laid down by the Board, for any purchase of goods or labour work for or above Rs.5000, three quotations are received from the vendors/contractors, and after thorough scrutiny and on the approval of the CEO and the Board, the best and the lowest is awarded the purchase order.
- The records of all the assets are well maintained and recorded in the Inventory register.
- We have qualified and dedicated staff with vast experience in their respective fields who are also involved in the process of information gathering, processing and preparing knowledgeable reports.
- All project proposals and budgets are made and targets are set by the workers themselves with the guidance of their respective leaders.
- Each project has a logical framework and a work-flow that is periodically updated with inputs from the workers.
- IMCARES believes and implements the policy of providing Care to the Care-givers for all our staff by conducting retreats, camps, outings, regular health checks and educational training. All the staff can avail annual leaves, sick leaves, casual leaves along with medical and accident insurance policies. IMCARES often makes special provisions to be of help to the staff to better their lives.
- IMCARES has in place policies such as Child Protection Policy and IPR(Intellectual Property Rights) which are followed. The policies is reviewed and updated periodically.
- All our beneficiaries are treated with dignity and respect and are never looked down on but are considered as participants in the Project.
- IMCARES is focused on make its projects SMART
(S–Specific, M-Measurable, A–Achievable, R–Relevant, T–Time-Bound)